När jag såg Twilight första gången...

Detta är kopierat från min första blogg, linalikes.blogspot.com, när jag skrev på engelska.

lördag, november 22

"Okay, I just have to say: TWILIGHT ROCKS! Oh my god, the movie was GREAT! Sure, they changed a few things in the movie but I still think it was awesome. I'm a devoted Twilight fan and had really high hopes that it would be great. I am not dissapointed. I saw it this Thursday (20/11) One day before the actual premiere! It felt as though I was about to cry, I was so happy. I've waited for this movie for such a long time, and now when it's here, it makes me want to go see it over and over again.

So I've had a date with Edward Cullen two times this week. I saw it again today."

Hur såg det ut på er blogg när ni sett Twilight?

Postat av: Therese

twilight :) <3

2009-11-15 @ 13:04:03
URL: http://theresejohanssooon.blogg.se/

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